Monday, May 18, 2009
Have you looked at the calendar lately? It is May 18th
and the month is half over. Have you done your Visiting Teaching yet? I just thought I should remind you because with all the end of the year programs, recitals, ballgames, and such, everyone gets really busy. Do your best to get a visit with your sisters, I should talk because I have not done mine yet. My Visiting Teaching partner and I spoke on Sunday and told each other of how busy our weeks are looking. We could only find one day and a short period of time to fit it in, so we are hoping that our ladies can see us. If not, we are going to belong to the "last week of the Month club"... ha, ha!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Fresh Frozen Strawberry Jam recipe
I made these recipe cards up today to go with with the Mother's Day gifts that I am giving to my daughters and daughters-in-law. My daughters love to cook and since everyone is concerned with getting some food storage, I thought that this kind of a gift would be more thoughtful, last longer and would be more needed than something else I could buy. What I did was to buy some plastic containers to put their frozen Jam in, some Sure Jell Fruit pectin, sugar, and strawberries. I am offering to get together to make the jam as well at my house, which we love to do!
I decided that since I went to all the work to make up these recipe cards, I may as well share and let others get the benefit of my work. I made them up to print 4 per page, and if you copy them on white card stock you can print on both sides so that they can have the sugar free or low Sugar recipe on the backside as well as the regular recipe.

Tip from Katie - When I print my recipe cards, I ALWAYS laminate them because if I don't they will inevitably get ruined with spills while I am preparing the recipes. Laminating lets me wipe off the spill off the card and it stays as good as new! If I print a page recipe off the Internet, I always slip them into a plastic sheet protector and put it in a tabbed loosleaf or binder for storage. They too can be easily wiped off without ruining the recipe page. Recipe binders store easily too!
My other thought for posting this on the Visiting Teaching blogs would be that if you make up one batch of jam, it makes 5 - 6 jars of jam, which would be a perfect and very yummy gift for the sisters that you Visit teach. If I were giving this as a gift to them, I would also print off the recipes, and attach that to the jar of Jam. You could also use my pattern for the jar lids below and make up a fabric jar lid for decoration.
For a gift for friends, it would be fun to have some rolls or a yummy loaf of Great Harvest Bread, or even some Sour dough or Artisan bread and a jar or two of Jam, and even a little crock of homemade butter. (You could fake it and just put a cube of butter inside a crock.) Then put them all in a cute basket or a cute decorator box or folded lunch box that you can get from Xpedex, and lined it with a fabric napkin, cute printed dish cloth, tissue paper or even just a cut square of fabric that you have laying around your house. Make sure to print off a recipe card and include it as well. Very fun and cute and thoughtful gift for anyone!
Enjoy and let me know how your jam turns out! Katie G.

Nota Adicional: Las cuatro tazas de fresas probablemente se conviertan en dos ya siendo machacadas(trituradas).
La receta se agrega la pectina de la caja Sure-Jell (USA) ... aqui esta la foto de la caja... en los paises hispanos probablemente puedan encontrar una caja de pectina para fruta-mermeladas... Traducido por Maria
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
May Visiting Teaching in English / Mayo 2009 Español

I love to Visit teach in the months of May and November because I get to go over all the wonderful Conference talks that were given from the prior month and reread and enjoy the messages all over again. For this months message, as you know you are to choose a talk out of the Conference Issue of the May Ensign and try to pick one. Actually there are no hard fast rules about picking one if you want to give excerpts from several wonderful talks. However you like it.

Here is a tip from me.... I like to prepare my lesson and print it off for each sister because from time to time, when we begin visiting with our sisters, time runs out before we can give a lesson. When that happens, if you have a printed one to had to her, you can suggest when she has some quiet time, read the lesson, and briefly tell her what it was about.

Canned Conference Conversation
Directions on how to make it:
1. Cut up each Conference Quotes on the dotted lines, fold them up and place them in a quart canning jar.
2. Cut a round circle out of a cute fabric according to the pattern below. Place the sealing lid on first, then the fabric round, then screw on the screw bands to secure fabric in place. See example below.
3. Tie a piece of ribbon around the band.
4. Cut out the 2 labels and glue them to the jar, or print out the labels on label paper and adhere the sticky side of the label to the front and back of the jar.
5. You are now ready to have a healthy serving of “Canned Conference Conversation” over the dinner table or play a game for Family Home Evening using your April 2009 Ensign and the “Canned Conference Quotes”. Because the jar looks so cute, you can keep it on your dining table the entire month to enjoy your daily dose of “Canned Conference Conversation”.
Each night as your family sits together at the dinner table you can play this game together. Dinner time provides a perfect setting for some “Canned Conference Conversation”. This conversation is directed and meaningful and provides a gospel centered message for your family to enjoy and talk about together. It also could be used just prior to daily Scripture reading time, or as a Family Home Evening.
The main purpose is to focus the conversation around the gospel messages found in the Conference talks. It is to help your family try to remember the different Conference talks, and gives you a fun forum for discussing gospel principles.
Directions to play the game at the Dinner table or to enhance Family Scripture study time: Each family member selects one folded up strip from the Jar and reads the quote. At that point that person can share their thoughts about what the quote means to them. Dad and Mom or other family members can chime in and add their thoughts about the message in the quote. You may want to only do one quote per night or let others take turns and share as many as you like during dinner.
Directions to play the game for Family Home Evening: Play the game basically the same way you would around the table, but you will do it where you hold your home evening, whether it be at the dinner table, or in your family room, or even outside on a picnic blanket. Make it fun and be sure to have Family Home Evening Treats for your family after playing this great game!

“We now have approximately 53,000 missionaries serving in 348 missions throughout the world. We take most seriously the Savior’s mandate when He said, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”1 We are deeply grateful for the labors of our missionaries and for the sacrifices which they and their families make in order for them to serve.” President Thomas S. Monson Prophet and leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
What kind of sacrifices do missionaries and their families make?
Today I speak to all whose freedom to choose has been diminished by the effects of ill-advised choices of the past. I speak specifically of choices that have led to excessive debt and addictions to food, drugs, pornography, and other patterns of thought and action that diminish one’s sense of self-worth. All of these excesses affect us individually and undermine our family relationships. Of course some debt incurred for education, a modest home, or a basic automobile may be necessary to provide for a family. Unfortunately however, additional debt is incurred when we cannot control our wants and addictive impulses. And for both debt and addiction, the hopeful solution is the same—we must turn to the Lord and follow His commandments. Our challenges, including those we create by our own decisions, are part of our test in mortality. Let me assure you that your situation is not beyond the reach of our Savior. Through Him, every struggle can be for our experience and our good (see D&C 122:7). Each temptation we overcome is to strengthen us, not destroy us. The Lord will never allow us to suffer beyond what we can endure. “Becoming Provident Providers Temporally and Spiritually” Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
How has dealing with your own temptations, and adversities helped you to understand that you need the Lord in your life? How do our trials help us?
I wish to speak today about God's revealed quorum principles and the inspired direction of latter-day prophets relating to the Aaronic Priesthood. I invite quorum presidencies to ask the following questions and seek other questions the Spirit will inspire: What does an Aaronic Priesthood quorum president do to preside over a quorum? What are his duties? What does he do as he sits in council with quorum members? How and when does he teach? What are the covenants referenced in the verses? And what do the quorum adviser and the bishopric member do as each assists the president in his duties and in his use of priesthood keys of presidency? “Revealed Quorum Principles” Michael A. Neider Released Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency
Discuss the questions that are asked in this quote.
What is the source of such moral and spiritual power, and how do we obtain it? The source is God. Our access to that power is through our covenants with Him. A covenant is an agreement between God and man, an accord whose terms are set by God (see Bible Dictionary, "Covenant," 651). In these divine agreements, God binds Himself to sustain, sanctify, and exalt us in return for our commitment to serve Him and keep His commandments. What are some of the covenants that we make with our Heavenly Father? “The Power of Covenants” Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
What kind of covenants do we make with God?
My purpose today is to assure you that our Heavenly Father and the Savior live and that They love all humanity. The very opportunity for us to face adversity and affliction is part of the evidence of their infinite love. God gave us the gift of living in mortality so that we could be prepared to receive the greatest of all the gifts of God, which is eternal life. Then our spirits will be changed. We will become able to want what God wants, to think as He thinks, and thus be prepared for the trust of an endless posterity to teach and to lead through tests to be raised up to qualify to live forever in eternal life. It is clear that for us to have that gift and to be given that trust, we must be transformed through making righteous choices where that is hard to do. We are prepared for so great a trust by passing through trying and testing experiences in mortality. That education can come only as we are subject to trials while serving God and others for Him. In this education we experience misery and happiness, sickness and health, the sadness from sin and the joy of forgiveness. “Adversity” President Henry B. Eyring First Counselor in the First Presidency
What kind of tests or trials have you gone through, and what have you learned from them?
We live in these days of the Lord’s “marvelous work and a wonder” (Isaiah 29:14; see 2 Nephi 25:17). We have been blessed to bring the gospel to our families and our posterity and to assist in preparing for the Second Coming of the Savior. The Lord described the purposes of the Restoration “to be a light to the world, . . . to be a standard for [us, His] people, . . . and to be a messenger before [His] face to prepare the way before [Him]” (D&C 45:9). "Come unto Him" Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
How can we contribute to the preparation that needs to b e done before the second coming of Jesus Christ?
The message of that verse is that whatever happens in life, Jesus Christ has the power to save. Through His divine sacrifice, He has provided the way for us to gain eternal life. Truly, His work is “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”2 He has asked for our assistance in helping one another do the things that will lead to eternal life. "His Arm Is Sufficient" Barbara Thompson Second Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency
This talk was given in the Sunday morning session of Conference. Look it up and try to find the three goals to help us obtain Eternal life. List and discuss them.
In the talk that was given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles entitled “None Were With Him” in the Sunday morning session, Elder Holland speaks of those who are alone, feel alone, or abandoned. He goes on to list many who feel that way. Look up the talk and list those he is talking about. Then talk about Jesus and how alone he was and how he dealt with His earthly trials.
This is such a wonderful talk and you might just like to read the entire talk for your family and savor the message. You could also discuss what you personally can do to help those who are lonely.
It would be easy to become discouraged and cynical about the future—or even fearful of what might come—if we allowed ourselves to dwell only on that which is wrong in the world and in our lives. Today, however, I’d like us to turn our thoughts and our attitudes away from the troubles around us and to focus instead on our blessings as members of the Church. How might we have joy in our lives, despite all that we may face? Again from the scriptures: “Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.” "Be of Good Cheer" – President Thomas S. Monson
Read the story that is in President Monson’s talk that begins with the paragraph that reads: “In about March 1946, less than a year after the end of the war, Ezra Taft Benson, then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve,….” How do the trials of this faithful woman in this story compare to what we have to deal with? How can we be of good cheer when we face and deal with our own trials?
Our Savior gave Himself in unselfish service. He taught that each of us should follow Him by denying ourselves of selfish interests in order to serve others. Our Savior teaches us to follow Him by making the sacrifices necessary to lose ourselves in unselfish service to others. If we do, He promises us eternal life, “the greatest of all the gifts of God” (D&C 14:7), the glory and joy of living in the presence of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. "Unselfish Service" Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
In this talk, Elder Oaks tells of all kind of unselfish service that members of this church give. Go to the talk that is found in the Sunday afternoon session and read about some of the service found in the first couple of paragraphs. Then talk about the kind of service that you and your family can do. Discuss the promise that is in the very last paragraph of President Oak’s talk that is listed above in the quote.
Read the first 4 paragraphs in Elder L. Tom Perry’s talk entitled “Bring Souls unto me”. Now read this quote from Elder Perry’s talk: “Viewed in this light, member missionaries—both you and I—are the shepherds, and the full-time missionaries, like the search and rescue team, are trying to do something almost impossible for them to do alone. Certainly the full-time missionaries will continue to do the best they can, but wouldn't it be better if you and I stepped up to do a job that is rightfully ours and for which we are better suited since we know personally those who are lost and need to be rescued?” Discuss what our role in missionary work could be both individually as well as within our family.
President Thomas S. Monson in his talk in the Sunday Afternoon session of General Conference, entitled Until We Meet Again said, “To you parents, express your love to your children. Pray for them that they may be able to withstand the evils of the world. Pray that they may grow in faith and testimony. Pray that they may pursue lives of goodness and of service to others. Children, let your parents know you love them. Let them know how much you appreciate all they have done and continue to do for you.”
Keeping this quote in mind, discuss the evils of the world that children today face, and how they can resist these temptations. Talk about testimony and how to make it grow, and discuss service that children can do for others. Children can also express the reasons they love their parents and their appreciation for what their parents do for them.

Mayo 2009 – Conversación de Conferencia en lata
Como uso esta lata the “Conversación de Conferencia en lata” ?
Cada noche cuando su familia se siente ala mesa para cenar puede jugar este juego. El tiempo de la Cena nos facilita el perfecto tiempo para “Conversación de Conferencia en lata”. Esta Conversación es directa y valiosa y nos proporciona un mensaje sobre el evanjelio para que su familia disfrute y hablen juntos. Tambien se puede usar antes de leer las escrituras diariamente, o para Noche de Hogar.
Lo principal es enfocarnos en las Conversación al rededor del mensaje del evangelio en los Discursos de las conferencia. Es para ayudar a su familia recordar los diferentes discursos de conferecia y les da foro divertido para discutir principios del evangelio.
Direcciónes para jugar el juego en la mesa del comedor o aumentar Estudio de las escrituras : Cada miembro de la familia selecciona un papelito de la lata y desenrollelo y lea la cita . A este punto esa persona puede compartir sus pensamientos de la cita que ha leido.
Mama y Papa o otro miembro de la familia pueden ofrecer sus pensamientos del mensaje. Usted puede hacer una cita por noche o puede dejar cada uno por turno o cuantas citas quieren durante la cena.
Direcciónes para jugar para La Noche De Hogar: Juegen basicamente igual como se juega al rededor del comedor, lo juegan cuando tienen la noche de Hogar, si lo tienen al rededor de la mesa , o en la sala familiar , o hasta pueden tenerlo afuera o tengan un picnic . Hagalo divertido y no se le olvide tener antojitos para la Noche de Hogar despues de jugar este GRAN juego!!
Direcciónes para Como Hacerlo:

1.Corte cada cita de los Discursos en las linias, doblelo y pongan en una lata de cuarto para encanar.
2.Corte un circulo de bonito material conforme al patron abajo. Ponga o coloque la tapadera selladora primero, despues el material.
Vea ejemplo abajo.
3.Amarre un pedaso de liston alrededor.
4.Corte 2 etiquetas y pegelas a la lata , o enprimelas etiquetas a papel para etiquetas y pagarles con elado pegajosa en frente y atras de la lata.
5.Usted esta lista para tener una porcion saludable de “Conversación de Conferencia en lata” en el comedor o para La Noche de Hogar usando su Liohona de Abril 2009 y su“Conversación de Conferencia en lata”. Poque la lata se ve curiosita, la puede dejar como centro de mesa por todo el mes para disfrutar cada dia “Conversación de Conferencia en lata”.
Tenemos actualmente 53,000 misioneros prestando servicio en 348 misiones por todo el mundo. Tomamos muy en serio el madato del Salvador cuando dijo: "...id, y haced discípulos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y el Espíritu Santo". Sentimos profunda gratitud por las labores de nuestros misioneros y por los sacrificios que aquellos y sus familias hacen para que puedan prestar servicio. - Presidente Thomas S. Monson Profeta y lider de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias-
¿Que clase de sacrificios los misioneros y sus familias hacen?
Hoy me dirijo a todos aquellos cuya libertad de elección se ha visto reducida por los efectos desacertados de las decisiones del pasado; me refiero especificamente a las decisiones que han ocurrido a la deuda excesiva y las adicciones a comida, drogas, pornografia y otros hábitos de pensamiento y de acción que disminuyen nuestro sentido de autoestima. Todos estos excesos nos afectan individualmente y debilitan nuestras relaciones familiares. Por supuesto, a fin de proveer de lo necesario para la familia, tal vez sea necesrio contraer algunas deudas para la educación formal, una casa modesta ó un automóvil sencillo. Sin embargo, lamentablemente, se incurre en deudas adicionales cuando no controlamos nuestros deseos e impulsos adictivos. La solucion prometedora es la misma, tanto para la deuda como por la adiccion: Debemos volvernos al Señor y seguir Sus mandamientos. Debemos desear más que nada cambiar nuestra vida para salir del ciclo de la deuda y de nuestros deseos desmedidos. Nuestros desafíos, incluso los que generamos por nuestras propias decisiones, son parte de nuestra prueba en la tierra. Permitanme asegurarles que su situación no está más allá del alcance de nuestro Salvador. Por medio de El, cada lucha nos servirá de experiencia y será para nuestro bien (vease D. y C. 122:7) Cada tentación que superemos es para fortalecernos y no para destruirnos. El Señor nunca permitirá que suframos más de lo que podamos resistir. -"Seamos Proveedores Providentes Temporal y Espiritualmente" Elder Robert D. Hales del Quorum de los Doce Apostoles-
¿Cómo tratando con tus propias tentaciones, y adversidades te ayudaron a
entender que necesitas al Señor en tu vida? ¿Como nuestras pruebas nos
ayuda a nosotros?
Hoy deseo hablarles d elos principios revelados por Dios sobre los quórumes de la dirección inspirada de los profetas de los últimos días respecto al Sacerdocio Aarónico. ¿Que hace el presidente de un quórum del Sacerdocio Aáronico para presidir un quórum? ¿Cómo y cuándo enseña? ¿Cuáles son los convenios que se mencionan en las Escrituras?¿Que deben hacer el asesor del quórum y el miembro del obíspado para ayudar al presidente en sus responsabilidades y en el uso de las llaves de la presidencia? –“Los Principios Revelados Sobre los Quórumes” Michael A. Neider Segundo Consejero Relevado de los Hombres Jovenes en la Presidencia General –
Hablen acerca de las preguntas que se han hecho en esta cita.
¿Cuál es la fuente de ese poder moral y espíritual? Y ¿cómo se obtiene? La fuente es Dios; obtenemos ese poder mediante los convenios que hacemos con El. Un convenio es un acuerdo entre Dios y el hombre en el que Dios fija las condiciones (vease Guía para el Estudio de las Escrituras, "Convenio" pag. 38) En estos acuerdos divinos, Dios se compromete a sostenernos, a santificarnos y a exaltarnos a cambio de nuestro compromiso de servirle y de guardar Sus mandamientos. - "El Poder de los Convenios" Elder D. Tood Christofferson del Quórum de los Doce Apostoles-
¿Que clase de convenios hacemos nosotros con Dios?
Mi proposito hoy es asegurarles que nuestro Padre Celestial y el Salvador viven y que aman a toda la humanidad. El solo hecho de que tengamos la oportunidad de enfrentar la adversidad y la aflicción es parte de la evidencia de Su amor infinito. Dios nos dio el don de vivir como seres mortales a fin de que nos preparáramos para recibir el más grande de todos Sus dones, que es la vida eterna. Entonces, nuestro espíritu cambiará, y seremos capaces de querer lo que Dios quiera, de pensar como El piense, y así estar preparados para que se nos confíe una posteridad sin fin, para enseñar y guiar durante las pruebas, para que merezcan vivir por siempre en la vida eterna. Es obvio que, para tener ese don y recibir esa responsabilidad, debemos transformarnos al tomar decisiones rectas cuando estas sean difíciles de tomar. Al tener esas experiencias penosas y probatorias en la tierra, se nos prepara para confiarnos ese gran cometido. Sólo podemos recibir esa educación si estamos sujetos a pruebas mientras servimos a Dios, y por El, a nuestros semejantes.En ese proceso educativo experimentamos desdicha y felicidad, enfermedad y salud, la tristeza del pecado y el gozo del perdón. -"La Adversidad" Presidente Henry B. Eyring Primer Consejero de la Primera Presidencia-
¿Que clase de pruebas o de tribulaciones han pasado, y que han aprendido de estas?
Vivimos en estos días de la "obra maravillosa y [el] prodigio" del Señor (Isaías 29:14; vease 2 Nefi 25:17). Hemos tenido la bendición de brindar el Evangelio a nuestra familia y posteridad, y de ayudar con los preparativos para la segunda venida del Salvador. El Señor describe los propósitos de la Restauración como "... una luz al mundo y un estandarte a [nosotros, Su]... pueblo... y un mensajero delante de [Su] faz, preparando el camino delante de [El] (D. y C. 45:9)-"Venid a El" Elder Neil L. Andersen del Quórum de los Doce Apóstoles-
¿Cómo podemos contribuir a la preparación que necesita hacerse antes de la segunda venida de Jesucristo?
El mensaje de esa estrofa es que, pase lo que pase en esta vida, Jesucristo tiene el poder para salvar. Por medio de Su sacrificio divino, El ha preparado el camino para que alcancemos la vida eterna. En verdad Su obra es "llevar a cabo la inmortalidad y la vida eterna del hombre". El nos ha pedido que nos ayudemos unos a otros para que hagamos las cosas que nos llevarán a la vida eterna. - "Si Fieles le Somos" Barbara Thompson-
Este discurso fue dado en la sesión del Domingo en la mañana en la
Conferencia. Busquenló y traten de encontrar tres metas las cuales nos
ayudan a obtener vida Eterna. Hagan una lista y hablen acerca de estas.
En el discurso que dio el Elder Jeffrey R. Holland del Quórum de los Doce Apostoles titulado"Nadie estuvo con el" en la sesion de la mañana del Domingo, el Elder Holland habla de aquellos que estan solos, se sienten solos, o abandonados. El sigue con un lista de aquellos que se sienten de esa manera. Busquen en el discurso y enlisten aquellos de los que el esta hablando. Despues hablen de Jesucristo, de que tan solo el estaba y como el le hizo con sus pruebas terrenales.
(Este es un discurso maravilloso y probablemente les gustara leerlo todo para su familia y savorear el mensaje). Tambien pueden hablar de como pueden personalmente ayudar a aquellos que se encuentran solos.
Sería facil desanimarnos y perder la fe en cuanto al futuro - o incluso tener temor de lo que pueda venir - si sólo nos concentráramos en lo que está mal en el mundo y nuestra vida. Sin embargo, hoy quisiera que nuestros pensamientos y nuestras actitudes dejen de lado los problemas que nos
rodean y se concentren en las bendiciones que tenemos como miembros de
la Iglesia. El apóstol Pablo declaró: "... no nos ha dado Dios espíritu de
cobardía, sino de poder, de amor y de dominio propio”. -"Sed de buen animo"
Presidente Thomas S. Monson
Lee la historia que esta en el discurso del Presidente Monson la cual empieza
con el parrafo: "Aproximadamente en Marzo de 1946, menos de un año
despues de terminar la guerra, a Ezra Taft Benson, en ese entonces miembro
del Quórum de los Doce,..." ¿Cómo las pruebas de esta mujer de fe en la
historia se compara con lo que tenemos que enfrentar? ¿Cómo podemos ser
de buen animo cuando nos enfrentamos con nuestras propias pruebas?
Nuestro Salvador nos enseña a seguirlo al hacer los sacrificos necesarios
para perder nuestra vida en el servicio desinteresado a los demás. Si lo
hacemos, El nos promete la vida eterna, "el mayor de todos los dones de
Dios" (D. y C. 14:7), la grloria y el gozo de morar en la presencia de Dios el
Padre y de su Hijo Jesucristo. Testifico de Ellos y de Su gran plan para la
salvación de Sus hijos. En el nombre de Jesucristo. - El Servicio
Desinteresado" Elder Dallin H. Oaks Quórum de los Doce Apostoles
En este discurso, Elder Oaks dice de todas clases de servicio desinteresado
que los miembros de la Iglesia dan. Vayan al discurso que esta en la sesion
del Domingo en la tarde y lean acerca de el sercio que se encuentra en los
primeros dos parrafos. Despues hablen acerca del servicio que ustedes y su
familia pueden hacer. Hablen acerca de la promesa que esta en el ultimo parrafo del discurso del Presidente Oak que esta enlistada en la cita arriba.
Los primeros 4 parrafos en el discurso del Elder L. Tom Perry "Traer almas a Mí". Ahora lean la cita en el discurso del Elder Perry: Visto desde esa perspectiva, los miembros misioneros, tanto ustedes como yo, somos los pastores, y los misioneros de tiempo completo, al igual que el equipo de busqueda y rescate, están intentando hacer algo casi imposible de lograr por si solos. Ciertamente, los misioneros de tiempo completo continuarán haciendolo mejor que puedan, pero ¿no sería mejor si ustedes y yo nos pusieramos a la altura de las circunstancias e hicieramos la labor que legitimamente nos corresponde y para la cual estamos mejor facultados al conocer en persona a quienes estan perdidos y necesitan ser rescatados?
Hablen acerca del papel del trabajo misional que puede ser ambos individualmente al igual con nuestra familia.
El Presidente Thomas S. Monson en su discurso del Domingo por la tarde en la Sesion General, titulado ” Hasta que nos volvamos a ver” dijo, A ustedes, padres, expresen su amor a sus hijos, oren por ellos a fin de que puedan soportar las maldades del mundo; oren para que crezcan en la fe y el testimonio; oren para que lleven una vida de bondad y de servicio a los demás.Hijos, digan a sus padres lo mucho que los aman; expresenle lo mucho que agradecen todo lo que han hecho y siguen haciendo por ustedes.
Teniendo esta cita en mente, hablen acerca de las tentaciones del mundo las cuales los hijos enfrentan, y como pueden resistirlas. Hablen acerca del testimonio y como podemos hacerlo crecer, y hablen acerca del servicio que los hijos pueden hacer por otros. Hijos pueden expresar las razones por las cuales aman a sus padres y su apreciacion por lo que sus padres hacer por ellos.
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This blog and it's contents go hand in hand with my Visiting Teaching Tips and handouts blog found at http://visitingteachingtips.blogspot.com/ If you by accident get to this blog first, make sure to go back to the other one and see all that there is for you there. This is sort of my overflow or stroage blog because I can't keep everything there, so I add my creations to this storage unit and that is my Visiting Teaching Surprise for you. Sometimes however, I do put in things that I think you would enjoy even if they aren't specifically related to Visiting Teaching, but my vision in life is that if I take all the time to make things, I may as well share them and get more use out of them. Sorta like hand me downs but brand new "Down loads". I hope you enjoy these freebies. Drop me a note to say hello in the comments under the downloads posts.