I am going Visiting Teaching tomorrow and I had forgotten until right this minute. Obviously I don't like to go empty handed, and I remembered that I had picked up some cute little pumpkin luminaries at the first of this month for the sisters that I visit. Ok, so I wanted something to go with it that was cute and Halloweenie, and since I am ready to go to bed and don't have time to come up with something on my own, I googled and came up with a cute little Halloween poem that was intended for young women. It came from http://www.sugardoodle.net/Young%20Women%20Program/YW_Halloween%20Poem.shtml and it suggested that it could be rewritten to adapt for other purposes. So I adapted and this is what I came up with. Sorry it is so late, but you can still take a little Halloween treat over to your sisters even if you have already done your Visiting teaching. The following is my version:
At Halloween and all year through
we want to express our "love” for you,
For all the things that you have done
to make this world a better one.
Since this is the time for goblins and bats,
Halloween spirits and spooks and cats,
Weird happenings and witches brew,
These are the things that we wish for you....
May the only ghost that comes to stay
Be the Holy Ghost to guide your way.
May the only spirit you chance to meet,
Be the spirit of love and friendship sweet.
As we come to visit and talk with each other
About the gospel of our elder Brother,
We hope that you feel the spirit and love,
That can only come from our Father above.
These are our Halloween wishes to you
And may God bless you in all that you do.