A couple weeks ago, a member of my ward's Elders quorum presidency, made an announcement in Relief Society. This man is such a handsome man, not to mention a very good man, and every woman's eyes were on him as he made his announcement, or should I say "plea". He asked the sisters to help their husband in their assignments to get their home teaching done. He mentioned that we know how to do it because the women in our ward get the job done, but the men need some help. My husband isn't an Elder, but I knew that I could do something to help the other men in the ward with their home teaching, much like in the ways that I try to encourage and help the women to do theirs, through this blog. So... here you go... this is for the Elders, High Priests, and Relief Society Sisters alike. Here are some cute door hangers, to remind the families that you visit of what shepherding is all about, from the master shepherd. The other hanger reminds us through the words of our Prophet, about the true spirit of Christmas. The other ones, are some that I came up with that I thought would be fun to give out as well. MERRY CHRISTMAS and go out and get your Home teaching, and Visiting Teaching Done! Your families are waiting!

These are intended to be printed out on an 8.5 x 11 piece of white card stock or photo paper. Right click, save to your computer and print from your computer.
Enjoy! Katie G