August 2011 Visiting Teaching message printable

Click on the image and you will be able to read it better. This is the handout that I made for Visiting Teaching for August 2011. I just about didn't get one done as I have been busier than a little bee this month and last month. Even if you have already gone out and done your Visiting Teaching, you can still use this for your sisters now, or for another month. It is a door hanger. Make sure to sign add your phone number at the bottom before you leave it hanging on their door nob or you can just hand it to them so that they have your phone number so they can reach you when they need a "Helping Hand".

One thing about this too is that many people won't ask for help, so be proactive and really let your sister know that you would love to be of service to them, so that they won't hesitate to call if they need you.
