Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christmas Countdown calendar

I have been looking for some cute, and ready made Christmas Countdown Calendars, or ideas to put on a December calendar for a countdown, and thought that others may also be looking for one.  I have listed the topics and to get to them, click on the topic for the active link.  ENJOY!

Christmas Stories (Could have one per day leading up to Christmas)

Other Ideas:

Christmas Music Quiz   Darling images!!!

I wanted to add one more link for you to a digital calendar that I made a couple years ago.  It is really a good one, and for those who love technology, then this one is for you.  Just click on the link for the particular day, and your activity will appear right before your eyes!  YEAH!!!  I have not checked the links to make sure all of them are still active, so if you find one or more that are not, will you please email me at ktgauger@gmail.com and let me know, so i can try to reactivate them.  Have fun!!!  Here is the link:


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Extraordinary Visiting teachers Face book group

I have created a wonderful Facebook group called Extraordinary Visiting Teachers, and I would invite all of you sisters in the gospel to check out the group and if you feel so inclined, please join in the conversation.

I have tried my best to also filter as much spam as I could, and the site is just plain good! If you want help becoming a better Visiting teacher, Extraordinary Visiting Teachers Facebook page is for you.  If you need advice, or suggestions about Relief Society related things, Extraordinary Visiting Teachers Facebook page is for you.  If you are an LDS woman needing some encouragement or tips, or ideas, or just about anything else relating to sisterhood in the LDS Church, this page is definitely for you.  Hope you'll join us, and if you do, please pass on the good word about this group to others. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Gift giving

I have mentioned this before, but will mention this again... I administrate a Facebook group called "Extraordinary Visiting Teachers."

You should go join, because there is a lot of really good conversation on that group, that can be so helpful in so many ways! Anyhow....I recently posted  a page of ideas to help people come up with "Easy, quick and cheap, but thoughtful things to take to a friend," which are gift giving ideas.  I cannot tell you how often I am in need of  a little thoughtful gift to give to someone at a minutes notice.  I included links to some blogs or websites for some of them, but I have no affiliation with any of them, but needed an example of the gift ideas. (You know what they say... a Picture is worth a thousand words.)  Anyway... Feel free to use these or copy the page, and pass it on to help others.  That is what it is all about... Serving others, and a side benefit from doing kind things for others is that it makes you feel so darn good too!  Go out and serve.  Enjoy!  Katie G

I posted a recipe and picture of my daughters Recipe for Chalupas, which is a meal that can be made for crowds.   I posted it on my Facebook group, Extraordinary Visiting Teachers, and it has been shared more than any of the other posts!  Yep, it is a popular one, and probably because it involves a recipe....  so I thought I would make it available to the rest of the world here on my blog.  Feel free to share, and if you want to see or join the Extraordianry Visiting Teachers group on Facebook, go there too.  Lots of good stuff!!!