The Friendly Beasts
Jesus our brother kind and good
Was humbly born in a stable of wood
And the friendly beasts around him stood
Jesus our brother kind and good
"I" said the donkey shaggy and brown
I carried his mother up hill and down
I carried him safely to Bethlehem town
"I" said the donkey shaggy and brown
And "I" said the cow all white and red
I gave him my manger for a bed
I gave him my hay for to pillow his head
"I" said the cow all white and red
"I" said the sheep with a curly horn
I have him my wool for his blanket warm
And he wore my coat on that Christmas morn
"I" said the sheep with a curly horn
"I" said the dove from the rafters high
Cooed him to sleep that he should not cry
We cooed him to sleep my love and I
"I" said the dove from the rafters high
And "I" said the camel all yellow and black
Over the desert upon my back
I brought him a gift in the wise men's pack
"I" said the camel all yellow and black
Thus every beast remembering it well
In the stable dark was so proud to tell
Of the gifts that they gave Emmanuel
The gifts that they gave Emmanuel
I am desperately looking for some printable illustrations to accompany a group of children singing "The Friendly Beasts", and I loved the pictures on this site! Are they printable? And where can I find them? If you can help, I would love to hear back from you ASAP.
I do not have your email address so I can't give you permission to copy directly. Please feel free to copy these pictures for your persoanal use. When I did the Friendly beasts once, we made head bands with the face or head of the beast they were representing and that was cute too. Once again, if you don't incude your email address, I cannot reply to you, so I hope you get this message. Katie G.
Hi Katie...
Thank you so much for sharing this darling activity... I want to do it having my little grandchildren singing it. I would love to use the animal graphics with your permission. My email is
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