This is a blog filled with wonderful surprises that I am giving to you ... FOR FREE, just to help you get your Visiting Teaching done each month. It's a present for you every single month! Make sure to check out my other blog too at for other Great Visiting Teaching and Relief Society oriented ideas!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

No Easter Egg hunt this year, but something fun!!!!

Wow, time sure flies, doesn't it?  I looked at the date of my last post, and realized I needed to get going. I haven't even posted my Easter card to all of you and that is because I have not even made it yet. I found this cute vintage Easter card at
I realize this post has nothing to do with something cute to take with you Visiting Teaching, unless you pass on what I am going to do with my own Grandkids this Easter and it is explained below.  I posted the letter on my visitingteachingtips blog that was sent to me by the Church Missionary department about the campaign that will be going on this Easter.  Please go to my other blog and read it and participate.  The link that will take you to that blog is just under the header or banner on this blog.

Now for the Easter idea:

The reason I picked this cute vintage Easter bunny/egg postcard, was because it reminded me of what I am going to do this Easter with my grandkids.  This year I only get to have three of them (plus a baby) to have Easter festivities with.  My 5 year old Grandson called me today and asked if we thought we could catch the Easter Bunny this year, because last year he knocked on the front door, but when we opened it, he was gone.  WHEW!!!  So I told him that we would have to see about that, but what I didn't tell him was that we are not having an Easter egg hunt but a great Bunny adventure.  This is how it will go:

The Easter Bunny will leave a note on my door that says, "Help, I have lost my baby bunnies, and I need your help to find them!"  Then there will be clue after clue about where the grandkids should look to find more clues to eventually find the baby bunnies.  (Not real baby bunny's just darling little stuffed animals) 

So...  I went to the store to look for things that could fill the grandkids baskets as they searched for clues.  I bought things like plastic eggs.... because the bunnies were last seen when the Easter bunny was dropping off eggs at someones house, and he spilled some along the way.  We think the little bunnies must have picked them up and began munching on the goodies inside the eggs, and forgot to follow the Easter Bunny... thus they got lost.

I found little Easter notebooks and pencils for the kids to take notes and write down clues or whatever... probably they will just draw. 

I bought some little cans of soda pop to hid in the bottom of a tree, so that when they get tired from hunting for clues to find the bunnies, they can sit down and have a little drink to refresh themselves.
I bought peeps in different colors because the Bunnies were seen hanging out with the "Chicks".  After the find the bunnies these chicks will be roasted and enjoyed overy the flame on my stove.  Roasted peeps are the best, and even better is if you stuff them with M&M's after they are all melty. YUMMY (one more thing to do wtih the grandkids... put the peeps on shiskabob scewers and roast them like marshmallows.   
I bought other things too, like whoppers to lay around, because they are a sure sign that bunnies have been around. (You know Bunny poo droplets) 
At the end of finding all these clues, they will be directed to the place where the bunnies can be found.  I will make a little nest in the bushes and hide all the little bunnies in one place, and there will be one for each grandchild to rescue and take home and make sure it never gets lost again.

Anyway this is a twist on the ordinary Easter egg hunt that gets over in less than 10 minutes.  My grand kids are getting old enough that they can read the clues and enjoy the intrigue of the hunt for the bunnies. 

Thought I would share that idea with you.  Enjoy!  Katie G

PS I have been accused of having lots of typing and spelling errors, and that is very true, because I am always posting late at night.  Please forgive me and enjoy the spirit of my ramblings.

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This blog and it's contents go hand in hand with my Visiting Teaching Tips and handouts blog found at If you by accident get to this blog first, make sure to go back to the other one and see all that there is for you there. This is sort of my overflow or stroage blog because I can't keep everything there, so I add my creations to this storage unit and that is my Visiting Teaching Surprise for you. Sometimes however, I do put in things that I think you would enjoy even if they aren't specifically related to Visiting Teaching, but my vision in life is that if I take all the time to make things, I may as well share them and get more use out of them. Sorta like hand me downs but brand new "Down loads". I hope you enjoy these freebies. Drop me a note to say hello in the comments under the downloads posts.