Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Visiting Teaching Monthly Schedule

I drew this monthly schedule up for those of you who would like to be able to remember who gave the message or handout or treat or whatever the month prior, or so that the distribution of equal partnership responsibility is accomplished. One reader brought to my attention that one month of the year was left off the schedule, so I went back and added it, so this one is complete. (as well as the typo)


  1. Thank you for your nice comment. You really do have the cutest grandchildren (and a wonderful daughter too). I am glad you like the pictures of them. I peeked at your blogs, you are so very talented!

  2. Very cute monthly chart. I'm not sure if you notice but November is missing from the list of months and down lower there is a typo. you wrote "doe" instead of "do". I am writing this just to be helpful sorry if this comes off as rude. not meant to be.
    I like your blog lots of cute and helpful ideas. Thanks
