Thursday, October 7, 2010

You have been Boo'd

I love Halloween, partly because it is my birthday month, but because it lots of fun.  I love to decorate my home and even dress up in my old age, to greet the trick or treaters.  I must be crazy, but I am sure having fun.  So... I created my own "You have been Boo'd" flyer to go out when you take treats to your neighbors and friends.  You are welcome to use mine if you like.  You might want to start with those you visit teach!  ( but don't count that as your visit!  Ha, ha!)   Enjoy!!!  Katie G
P.S. I had forgotten about my other storage blog that goes with this one, and accidentally started posting this Halloween handout in that one.  I thought I had better remind you too since I am the one who created it and forgot about it.  Here is the link to see the things that are in it!

My Sweet Son Andy, who is my computer guru, came over and fixed what was wrong with my internet that would not let me insert any photos on my blog.  It took him less than a minute.  Am I ever grateful for him, and you should be too.  What is this blog without all the images that I put on it for you to download.  Thanks, Andy!!!!  Happy Halloweening.... Katie G.

I have been asked about whether or not people can  use popcorn with the caramel recipe and I have said yes but....if you use it with puff corn, I can guarantee you that it will be gobbled up so fast, your head will spin.  Everywhere I have ever taken it, people love it.  There is a recipe on the back on one of the different brands bags of puff corn, but it just isn't like my caramel, but it is pretty good too. I recommend my caramel recipe.  I also recommend that you try the puff corn and see if you agree about how yummy it is.  One tip though.... caramel corn can really set up fast, and you want to be able to keep it as soft as possible.  You could cook it about a minute or two less, but what you need to do is to put it immediately into plastic bags, so it stays as soft as possible.  Oh and with popcorn... you can never get all the hard kernels out, and you about break your teeth chewing into one.  Puff corn is so soft it will about melt in your mouth and the chewieness will come from the caramel.  SOOOOOOO Good.  Here are a couple of different brands of puff corn that I found on the internet:

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