July 24th - Pioneer Day
Click on the picture and it will take you to the last post. Did you get your Visiting Teaching done by today? If not, just keep on trying, just like the pioneers. I would love to hear what you have learned from these wonderful Pioneer Women's stories. I know that I have learned alot about sacrifice, and persecutions of the early saints, and of a strong testimony that these Pioneers had to have to endure all that they did, and gave in establishing zion. Once again, I say, Blessed, honored Pioneer! If you would like to comment, please email me at ktgauger@gmail.com or click on the link and comment on the last story. Happy Pioneer Day! Love, Katie G.
July 22 - Orr, Maggie Anna Ferrell
Click on the photo and it will take you to the story of Magie Anna Ferril Orr, another wonderful Pioneer story.
July 24th - Pioneer Day
Click on the picture and it will take you to the last post. Did you get your Visiting Teaching done by today? If not, just keep on trying, just like the pioneers. I would love to hear what you have learned from these wonderful Pioneer Women's stories. I know that I have learned alot about sacrifice, and persecutions of the early saints, and of a strong testimony that these Pioneers had to have to endure all that they did, and gave in establishing zion. Once again, I say, Blessed, honored Pioneer! If you would like to comment, please email me at ktgauger@gmail.com or click on the link and comment on the last story. Happy Pioneer Day! Love, Katie G.
July 22 - Orr, Maggie Anna Ferrell
Click on the photo and it will take you to the story of Magie Anna Ferril Orr, another wonderful Pioneer story.
My wagon wheel is broke and it ain't gonna get fixed anytime soon.
Wo is me, I am so behind on my own treck of keeping up wonderful Pioneer women posts. Actually I have a great excuse, and almost made it when I realized how little I have to complain about. Ok, so I am going to tell you anyway. My air conditioning has been off for 6 days now, and I am having to live in my basement, though my computer in upstairs. It is ten degrees cooler in the basement, but my main floor has been up to 92 degrees inside my house. Wo is me.... and what do I have to moan about. I began thinking about the pioneers in their covered wagons, crossing the hot, hot prairie, and their only hope of relief from the blazing sun is the cool shade of a tree, or a stream, or night time if it cooled off enough for them to actually sleep. I have not slept well until I decided to go in the basement. Wo is me. What do I have to complain about. I have been so sick from the heat and a medication change that I have been nauseated all day long. So what do I do... hop in my car and go to Walgreens and get some acupressure wrist bands that took away some of my nausea. Wo is me, but what do I have to complain about.... the pioneer women suffered without any relief. If herbs didn't work for them, or if they didn't have access to them, they just suffered. I feel so blessed to live in this day and age where even if I have to be inconvienenced by having no air conditioning, I still can go in my basement, or hop in my car and turn up the air full blast, or just drive down to a store and walk around and shop, or even go to the pool and cool down that way. You know that poem.... "Father forgive me when I whine, I have two legs, the world is mine"? I have no reason to complain, but you still didn't get the updates on the Pioneer women because I am still too sick and hot to stay upstairs long enough to do them. Count this one as an update and count your blessings along with me. The wagon might be broke for a bit, but once the wheel is back on, the wagon will keep on rollin. Now, I am going to hurry back down stairs and try to replenish the sweat that is pouring off my face and body with gatorade. Don't give up on me, I will be back! Love, Katie G.
July 17 - Handmade by the Pioneers
July 16 - Margaret Alice McBride
By now, I am sure you know how to get to the link of the Pioneer Woman. Click on the picture and magically you will be transported there. Enjoy another relative of mine. Love, Katie G.
July 15 - Julia Ann Chapman Lee
This Pioneer story is told throught the experience that Julia's husband had, and it is a touching story. Short read. Click on the image to be directed to the story. Enjoy!
Today the Month is half over. Have you done your visiting teaching?
I am adding this little reminder to all of you who come to read about the valiant Pioneer women. How is your Visiting Teaching coming for this month? This is just a friendly reminder that our goal was to get our visiting teaching done for this month by the time that the Pioneers reached Utah, which is July 24th. From today, that leaves only 9 days. Good luck! Oh and to add a little humor, and I mean very little humor, I have a joke for you...Two sisters, Sister Smith and Sister Jones were out doing their Visiting teaching on Utah's holiday, July 24th. When they reached the door of one of their sisters homes, Sister Smith turned to sister Jones and uttered these memorible words, "Well Sister Jones, This is the Place!" Ok, ok, I will try very hard not to tell anymore jokes.
July 14 - Louisa Miller Belleston
I added this story as it told about the preparation of new LDS members, coming from overseas, and about the Perpetual Immigration fund. Click on this photo and it will take you to her story.
July 13 - Mary Ann Payne
This is a cute and short story about Mary Ann Payne that I know you will enjoy. Mary Ann is the top Right hand photo. Click on the photo and it will direct you to the link where you can read the story.
July 12 - Margaret McNeil (Ballard)
Click on the image and you will be taken to the link where you can read about Margaret.
July 9, 10, 11 Pioneer Women
With the marriage of my niece, luncheon and Reception, as well as babysitting my grandchildren all day long the next day, I have had NO time to post the stories of 3 women. Today I am trying to get all of their posts caught up, and I have, but you will have to go to
http://visitingteachingtips.blogspot.com/ to read them. Sorry not time to duplicate on this blog, but come back tomorrow for another wonderful story. Love, Katie G.
July 8 - Catherine Gouger Goodman
Click on the picture and it will take you to the story of a little Pioneer girl who was taken by the indians.
July 7 - Elizabeth Case Milam Wheeler
The life of this marvelous Pioneer woman can be found by clicking on the photo which will take you directly to the link. This woman is classic Mormon History as her story tells of her being apart of so many of the historical accounts in Nauvoo, Hauns Mill, handcart pioneers, and so much more. I found her story so interesting that I couldn't stop reading until it reached the end. It was also interesting to me that she was given 3 Patriarical blessings in her lifetime, and she was truely a wonderful woman. I know you will enjoy reading about her as I did. Love, Katie G.
July 6 - Pioneer Recipes & Cooking
Since all of us cook, I thought it might be interesting to find out what Pioneer Women cooked, how they did it and recipes they used. I found quite a few recipes, but I would like to open this one up to you and if you have any authentic pioneer recipes, please send them to me and I will add them to this post. My blog email is listed in the right column of this page, under the visitor counter.Click on this link to take you to the Pioneer Recipes:
http://visitingteachingsurprisedocuments.blogspot.com/2009/07/pioneer-recipes.htmlI was also thinking that if you wanted to copy some of these recipes and print them off for the sisters you Visit Teach, that would be a great July or Pioneer handout .
July 5th - Ann Parker
Click on the link to get to one of my favorite Pioneer Stories of all time. I like to call it 'The Red Shawl" but it is the story of Ann Parker. Enjoy! Love, Katie G.
July 4th - Margaret Ann Howard McBride
I do not have a photo of this wonderful Pioneer ancestor of mine, so I have selected one of her daughters in law for the photo. There are not direct words from her, but her children have expressed through their journaling, of the hardships their family faced after joining the Church and joining the trek westward to Utah, with the ill fated Martin handcart company. I have a heritage that is noble and strong and my ancestors suffered so much for me. I feel so blessed to be able to share with you some stories of Anne. My descendancy comes through her son Ether Enos McBride, and my Grammy Great, who I have told her story about praying on the hard wooden floors of their cabin, with the chairs extended outward. Once again, I echo the words to the Hymn...Blessed, Honored Pioneers! To read about her story, through the eyes and words of two of her sons, please click on her photo and it will take you to that link. Katie G
July 3 - Elizabeth Simpson Hiagh Bradshaw
Click on the picture and it will take you to the link to read about Elizebth
July 2nd - Diana Lucina Spicer Block
Sit back, kick your feet up because her story will take you a while. It is a must read. Let me know your feelings by posting in the section below this. Click on her picture and it will take you to the link where you can read all about her.
July 1st - Anne Eliza Leavitt Baker
The first of the pioneer woman stories can be found on my other blog. We will go back and forth between blogs, with the posting of these marvelous Pioneer Womens stories. You can find my other blog at
http://visitingteachingtips.blogspot.com/ and just click on this link. Enjoy! Katie G.
Glad that you dropped by my blog!
This blog and it's contents go hand in hand with my Visiting Teaching Tips and handouts blog found at
http://visitingteachingtips.blogspot.com/ If you by accident get to this blog first, make sure to go back to the other one and see all that there is for you there. This is sort of my overflow or stroage blog because I can't keep everything there, so I add my creations to this storage unit and that is my Visiting Teaching Surprise for you. Sometimes however, I do put in things that I think you would enjoy even if they aren't specifically related to Visiting Teaching, but my vision in life is that if I take all the time to make things, I may as well share them and get more use out of them. Sorta like hand me downs but brand new "Down loads". I hope you enjoy these freebies. Drop me a note to say hello in the comments under the downloads posts.
Little Dickens Holliday Boutique
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Join the ranks of the millions of LDS women committed to Visiting Teaching. Visit and sign up on Facebook and be a part of the discussions, idea sharing, stories and suggestions that other sisters all around the world are making about Visiting Teaching. This is just for fun and to see how many women from all around the world are making the difference in the lives of those that they Visit teach. Just click on the picture and it will take you to the facebook group page.
My first award. Thanks so much for thinking enough of this blog to make recognition of it with this award! Oh and my 7 favorite things are 1. My husband 2. My children & grand children 3. King Crab 4. Designing re: Scrapbooking & pictures 5. Blogging 6. My beautiful, & peaceful Home 7. Being a missionary (7 isn't enough, but that is all I was asked to give.) love & hugs, Katie G.
Blog Award
LDS Creativity Corner awarded this blog with 'One Lovely Blog Award". THANKS!
July 23 - Trace your Pioneer heritage
This site is most useful to those who have had members of their family tree that belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during the Mormon migration period of 1847-1868. This photo is titled "Go west!" Take a look at each face on this photo. Do you see that there is a story behind every face? What these pioneers went through is beyond our wildest imaginations, as we live such a privledged life and have so much. Remember that you were suppose to get your Visiting teaching done by the 24th as that was the challenge and the goal if you took the challenge. You have one more day left. Come back on the 24th to read a sweet letter about a woman who made it to Utah from Denmark, and how she describes living in Utah, and get our visiting teaching done too.
Pioneer Recipes
I have been doing quite a few hours of research on Pioneer cooking. Did you realize that most of Pioneer food had to be cured, or dehydrated or made so that they could keep it preserved on the trail. I am sure that must have gotten old, over the miles and they were pretty excited when they were able to find buffalo, or game to add to their menus. I have found some Pioneer recipe sources that I have written down for you. Because I have added them as a post, you will have to copy and paste the links into the address bar to get to these recipes, but I believe you will enjoy this. I marvel at what these pioneer women, wives and mothers did. Can you imagine using buffalo chips to cook with and keep warm, when there was no wood available to burn? (see photo) Cllick on this link and it will take you to the recipes and enjoy youre reading.
http://visitingteachingsurprisedocuments.blogspot.com/2009/07/pioneer-recipes.html Katie G.
Mormon Channel Radio
Did you hear about the new Mormon Channel? You can find it at http://radio.lds.org/mc/eng/ or you can read about it at http://newsroom.lds.org/ldsnewsroom/eng/news-releases-stories/mormon-radio-launches CLICK ON THE RADIO to be taken directly to the site or if you want to listen now go to http://radio.lds.org
Visiting Teaching Surprise
This blog is filled with wonderful surprises for you to enjoy and print off, as an encouragement to get your Visiting teaching done each month. Please check the archives, as there is much more than what you see on the first page. It's free, and it's fun, and I hope you come back every month! Everything made with lots of love! Just a reminder that my original Visiting Teaching Tips handouts and ideas blogspot is located at
http://visitingteachingtips.blogspot.com/ and you should check in there for some other great ideas! Best wishes! Katie
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My favorite links to visit
Sugardoodle Visiting Teaching blog
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Visiting Teaching Tips, handouts and ideas
Mormon Mommy's who blog
Blog Archive
▼ 2009 (42)
▼ November (6)
Needing Christmas Ideas? I have some and a sneek ...
FYI - CLICK on the image to enlare it to be more r...
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Gift or Table Favor / nametag
November 2009 Visiting Teaching Handout
Little Dickens Christmas Fair and Boutique in Park...
► October (2)
Halloween Poem to share with your sisters.
I am back!
► September (2)
Free downloadable and printable gift ideas
For some cute and simple gift giving ideas using c...
► August (3)
Yummy new Freezer Jam recipe
August 2009 Visiting Teaching handout
July is over and August is here!
► July (1)
July 24th - Pioneer Day Click on the picture and i...
► June (4)
"Push Forward Saints!" - July Visiting Teaching Ch...
Pink Popcorn Recipe
A "Sweet" Visiting Teaching Surprise!
June 2009 Visiting Teaching message
► May (4)
Have you looked at the calendar lately? It is May ...
My Mothers Day card for all of you!
Fresh Frozen Strawberry Jam recipe
May Visiting Teaching in English / Mayo 2009 Españ...
► April (6)
If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear
Attention sisters:
Family Book Mark and Poster
Visiting Teaching Monthly Schedule
Some fun Easter recipes & ideas
Even More April ideas for you....
► March (5)
More April ideas to come
April - Happy Easter!
March 2009 Handout idea
I found some darling Vintage Stamps online and I ...
February or March 2009 Handout idea
► February (2)
Back to the past party fun!
February Visiting Teaching Handout in English & Sp...
► January (7)
One more handout for you .
All I Need to Know about Life I Learned From a Sno...
The Hearts of Angels
If you are looking for the bookmark that goes...
This is the book mark that I have created to go w...
► 2008 (8)
► December (6)
Three Hairs - Author Unknown
Conduit Chimes
Christmas Star Gift
Teach the Children
Cranberry Orange Cake Recipe note cards
The Friendly Beasts
► November (2)
I have inserted an example I found on the Inter...
Old Gentleman Gray story
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